THE BOOK: If you believe in miracles, it’s important that you read this book. If you don’t believe in miracles, it’s essential that you read this book! Mysterious Ways will open your heart and pour hope into your soul. Jay Gittleson is a remarkable storyteller who’ll take you on an amazing journey.
THE AUTHOR: Jay Gittleson is a unique individual. He’s in a personality category all by himself—he’s “an attractor.” What’s an attractor?!
Superstar athletes, famous comedians, inspiring speakers and a whole assortment of interesting people somehow find their way to him. It’s almost as if they are magically drawn to him. How does it happen? I don’t know. How long has this been happening? For as long as I’ve known Jay, he’s always had this “attractor magic.”
Jay’s conversations with me usually begin with him saying, “You’ll never guess whom I met today.”
I’ve been lucky to have had Jay represent me as a speaker for over 15 years. Through the connections Jay has made throughout his career, he’s helped me go places and speak to groups that I never could have dreamed of.
There’s only one Jay Gittleson and I’m lucky to have him as a friend.
You’re lucky too because now that you have Jay’s book in your hands, he’s going to share his amazing stories and magic with you!
Rob Gilbert, Ph.D., sport psychology professor, Montclair State University
Mysterious Ways is a book that you must acquire in your collection of inspirational treasures. Jay Gittleson provides divine inspiration for connecting with people, and discovering the hidden truths that will reveal a greater perspective of who you are in times of adversity. Using his life experiences Jay has proven that you can achieve what others do not believe is possible. After reading this book, you will be empowered to recognize, celebrate. and live your best life.
Dr. Robert Lemon, professional speaker, thought leader, author
Sometimes there is the story, which can truly be wonderful. Sometimes there is also the storyteller...the man who weaves the tales that so captivate and pleasure the reader. Jay Gittleson is a storyteller par excellence. In his words and in his very being comes a human being with the intense capacity to feel others and frame his reality by the lovingness of the experience. Jay’s stories, as to his personal life and the richness of these experiences in shaping his life and expression of events, are a treasure to behold in this publication. The reader will be enriched and absorbed by sharing the experiences of which Jay writes with such fervor and affection. Highly recommended.
Donald T. Stein, Ph.D., J.D.
I’ve known Jay Gittleson for many years and he has always been a beautiful soul,
which is why it’s so heartwarming to witness the spiritual awakening he’s been experiencing in recent years. The diagnosis of any serious health issue can be devastating, and Jay has certainly experienced his share of challenges including questioning God’s benevolence. Yet through it all, Jay sought a deeper understanding of his circumstance. He questioned whether there was a greater purpose to his life and in the midst of his own uncertainties and anxieties, Jay found himself reaching out to others to help enrich their lives and alleviate their suffering in any way he could. His focus shifted from his own fears and struggles to the well-being of others, some of whom were perfect strangers.
Join Jay in this remarkably poignant collection of heartwarming stories of life, from the darkness of fear and apprehension to the wisdom and Light to Divine Truth. You will witness the beauty of discovering the inherent value of adversity and the discovery of life’s universal purpose.
I am confident that Jay’s recollection of his personal experiences will touch your heart as deeply as they did mine.
Janet Pfeiffer, professional speaker and author of The Great Truth
Jay and I met a number of years ago after I got in touch with him through my efforts to connect with fellow kidney transplant patients. Since that time, and although he and I have never met in person, I’ve gotten to know him through a variety of his outreach efforts supporting the transplant community and during many long conversations that he and I have had. Along with learning about Jay’s transplant and medical journey, I’ve also been lucky enough to have him recount to me stories about the diverse people from all walks of life that he’s met and their related stories, which he writes about in his book. Jay is a very thoughtful and caring individual with a deep well of emotions that I believe he calls on to inform and support the pursuit of his book and his life in general.
It’s been a true honor and pleasure for me to get to know and develop a relationship with Jay.
The connection that he and I have developed has been a wonderful learning experience that has enriched my life and helped me to put better into focus my transplant advocacy efforts. With humbleness I’d say that I’m a better person from having met Jay and certainly the true beneficiary of our relationship.
Christopher Murphy
Jay’s stories are so beautiful and profound. The reason I feel this way is that I believe the stories are interwoven with the Divine. There are many elements in this short life that in fact “connect” us! I have had the distinct privilege to watch how some of these marvelous moments have unfurled in Jay’s life! For example, Jay told me that when he was first on dialysis he wondered if it was God’s way of “punishing him.” However, as I watched Jay go through these amazing trials life had designed for him, I noticed a transformation. He went from a wildly questioning, uneasy being to a calm, resolute persona. Sometimes the Divine can change us, heal us from the perceptions we carry. This is a great gift. Jay not only has “connected” in a profound way with so many people but has helped many people along his path. He has raised a spotlight and given a microphone to others his whole life. He has watched from behind the scenes, never fully feeling he should take just a moment for himself in that spotlight.
​I am so proud to call Jay a friend. I am so proud that he finally realized that he and his stories are so important that it is time to shine the spotlight on Jay and on these wonderful, compelling, true stories. God Bless you, Jay! If people feel these stories anywhere near as deeply moving as I have, this book will reach people’s hearts and souls!!